Augustine Institute Short Courses
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37).

Short Courses will help you love the Lord “with all your mind” as you explore the riches of the Catholic faith.

The courses are taught by Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology professors in an engaging, self-paced, and in-depth format. Subscribe now for only $23 per month!
Love the Lord with all your mind.
Augustine Institute Short Courses equip Catholics to understand, live, and share their Catholic faith.
Feed the Fire of your faith
Gain a better understanding of Catholic theology so that you will be prepared to read the Bible more insightfully, recite the Creed more confidently, and live out your faith more fully!

Encounter the Lord and draw near to him by studying Scripture, tradition, doctrine, spirituality, the saints, and more.


Build your knowledge on a solid foundation so that you can understand, live, and share your Catholic faith.


Prepare yourself to lead others to Christ with theological instruction that will serve you both personally and professionally.

Ideal for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the Catholic faith

Explore the Courses

Our core Short Courses curriculum is a nine-course, scaled-down version of the curriculum offered at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology. It focuses on three main areas of study: Scripture, doctrine, and the Christian life. This thorough curriculum will provide you with a systematic overview of Catholic theology.

Earn a Certificate in Catholic Theology

After completing the nine-course core curriculum, you'll earn a Certificate in Catholic Theology from the Augustine Institute. The certificate is suitable for framing and ideal for professional development, continued education, and resume-building.

Core Courses

New Courses Added Regularly

Through an ever-expanding catalog, you will also deepen your knowledge in many other areas, including spirituality, the saints, and more.

Acts of the Apostles
Michael Barber, Ph.D.
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Wisdom Literature
Mark Giszczak, S.S.L., Ph.D.
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The Major Prophets
James Prothro, Ph.D.
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Wisdom Literature
Mark Giszczak, S.S.L., Ph.D.
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Despite its ambitious title, this course has a specific focus: In it you will find a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name.
  • God's Existence
  • God Exists
  • The Trinity & the Bible
  • The Trinity & Reason
  • The Central Mystery

The Story of the Old Testament

This course provides an overview of the story of salvation in the Old Testament, and equips students to read the Old Testament on their own.
  • What Is the Bible (God Speaks to Us)
  • The Story Begins
  • The Rescue Plan
  • Five Covenants
  • Two Exiles
  • Three Temples

Jesus and the Gospels

This course will show how the Gospels reveal the Person of Jesus Christ and his mission, and provide principles for reading the Gospels more deeply.
  • Mattthew
  • Mark
  • Luke
  • John

Letters of St. Paul

This course will introduce the theology of St. Paul and discuss many of the most important themes found in his letters, including, salvation, Jesus’ fulfillment of the covenant, and the Church as the body of Christ.
  • Introduction to Paul
  • Jesus as Messiah and LORD
  • Christ and the Hope of the Prophets
  • Grace, the Cross, and New Life in Christ
  • Justification
  • Divine Sonship and Salvation by Faith
  • The Mystery of the Church
  • The Lord’s Supper and the New Creation

The Church and the Sacraments

This course will give an introduction to ecclesiology – what the Church is – and why the Church has seven sacraments at the center of its worship.
  • The Mystery of the Church
  • One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
  • The Mission of the Church
  • The Church’s Worship
  • What are Sacraments?
  • Baptism and Confirmation
  • The Most Holy Eucharist
  • Healing and Service

Martyrs and Monastics

This course conveys the spirit of the early Church through the stories of some of the most famous martyrs and monastics of the first five centuries (Sts. Ignatius, Polycarp, Perpetua, Felicity, Anthony, Macrina and Simeon).
  • Background to the Lives of the Early Christian Saints
  • St. Ignatius of Antioch and St. Polycarp
  • St. Perpetua and St. Felicity
  • St. Anthony the Great
  • St. Macrina and Family
  • Simeon the Stylite

The Manger and the Cross

This course covers the Church’s teaching about Christ, why God became man in the person of Jesus and how his death on the cross saves us.
  • The Mystery of the Incarnation
  • Why did God Become Man?
  • Why did God Live as a Man?
  • Why did God Die?
  • Why did God Die on a Cross?
  • Meditating on the Life of Christ

Our Life in Christ

This course will explore the Catholic understanding of living the good life in Christ and the principles that should govern our moral decision-making.
  • Mattthew
  • Mark
  • Luke
  • John

Prayer and Catholic Spirituality

This class will explore the rich Catholic tradition of prayer and devotion alongside some of the great saints and doctors of theChurch. It will introduce different types of prayer and prepare the student to transform his or her own prayer life.
  • Prayer in the Christian Life
  • The Universal Call to Prayer
  • The Tradition of Prayer
  • The Life of Prayer
  • The Battle of Prayer

The New Evangelization

What is the New Evangelization and how I am called to evangelize? This course will answer these questions and provide practical wisdom for evangelization.
  • What is New Evangelization?
  • The Heart of the Mission
  • The Indispensable Role of Laity
  • The Mission of the Laity in the Modern World
  • Bible Paradigms for the New Evangelization
  • Witnessing and Teaching the Faith

Certificate of Completion

After completing the 9-course core curriculum, you'll earn a Certificate in Catholic Theology from the Augustine Institute. 

Suitable for framing and ideal for professional development, continued education, and resume-building.

Catholic Epistles

This course provides an overview of the letters of saints James, Peter, John, Jude.
  • The Catholic Epistles
  • The Epistle of James
  • The First Epistle of Peter
  • The Second Epistle of Peter
  • The Epistle of John
  • The Epistle of Jude

The Psalms

This course will show the historical background to the Psalms, the structure of the Psalter, the theological significance of the Psalms.
  • Introduction to the Psalter
  • The Art of Biblical Poetry
  • The Righteous and the Wicked in the Psalms
  • The 5-Fold Division of the Psalms
  • David at the Heart of the Psalms
  • Psalm Genres

Each Short Course Includes

High-Quality Video Instruction

Detailed Presentation Slides

Reading Assignments


Related Resources

Discussion Boards

Engaging Professors

Our faculty’s mission at the Augustine Institute is to train leaders for the New Evangelization. They will deepen your intellectual formation so that you can bring the fruits of your studies to the service of the Church. All our professors seek to marry the life of the mind with the life of faith. You will learn from biblical scholars, theologians, and historians, trained not only in their disciplines, but who also have frontline experience in parish life and Catholic education.

What Students Are Saying about Short Courses

"I just wanted to pass on my appreciation for the short courses, which I just finished. They are all excellent—not surprisingly—in content and clarity and are perfectly paced.

I look forward to the upcoming releases. Well done!"

MICHAEL B - dallas, TX

"Professor Klein’s Short Course on God was the equivalent of taking a time machine back to study under the early Church Fathers. Absolutely captivating!

I now have a renewed understanding of Our Lord and the tools I need to answer questions from my peers. I would highly recommend this course to my friends and family."

KEVIN G - Denver, Co

"True to their mission of evangelization, the Augustine Institute has made it possible for anyone to enjoy the amazing teachers and content that graduate students experience there, but on a smaller scale that will fit into your schedule and daily life.

If you want to grow immensely in your faith, check out the new Short Courses!"

HOLLY K - Atlanta, GA
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

Just visit the course catalog, then select subscription or purchase individually! Start here.

Can I purchase just one course?

Yes, courses can be purchased one at a time for $59. Courses can be purchased here.

Can I buy the courses as a subscription?

A monthly subscription gives access to all current and future courses. The monthly subscription can be purchased here.

If I subscribe, can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you can cancel any time. For subscribers, you can continue to use the courses until the end of your billing period.

Who are these courses for?

Catechists; Catholic teachers; RCIA coordinators; DREs; youth ministers; students of the Catholic faith; clergy and religious; all Catholics who want to grow in their faith.

How many courses come with subscription?

You will receive twelve courses.

How often are new courses added?

New courses are added regularly.

Is the tuition refundable?

We are certain you will be inspired and edified by this course. However, if you are not satisfied with the quality or course content, please contact customer service.

What is included in the course?

Although they vary slightly, each course includes six to eight lessons. Each lesson consists of the following: thirty minutes of video instruction (total three to four hours of instruction for the whole course); short “office hour” videos with the professor; a quiz; additional resources from modern Catholic sources (such as Formed), academic sources, and from the rich heritage of the Catholic tradition (such as the writing of the saints). Some courses also include a companion book, which will be free for subscribers for the cost of shipping and handling.

What are the technical requirements?

The course will run on any device and any web browser. We do not support Roku or Apple TV.

Can I learn at my own pace?

Absolutely! All aspects of the course are easily self guided so you can learn any time, any place.

Do I have to take the courses in a certain order?

No, although we do have a recommended order for our core courses. See order here.

Do I have to take all the courses?

No. However, if you want to earn any of our theology certificates, you will have to complete certain sets of courses. Our core theology certificate requires completion of the nine core theology courses.

Some recommended readings are not included with the course. How do I get them?

Some professors have recommended resources for deepening your understanding of the topic presented. These readings are completely optional, and the books referenced can be purchased from a book seller like Catholic Market or from their respective publishers.

How do I earn my certificate?

You can currently earn our core theology certificate by completing the videos and quizzes for our nine core theology courses. The total curriculum will be about thirty-two hours of video content. See the curriculum worksheet here.

Will there be future courses or certificates?

Yes, we add courses regularly.

Do I have to do the courses for a certificate, or can I take courses for personal enrichment?

You are under no obligation to complete a certificate or aim for a certificate—if you prefer to take courses at random or for your personal enrichment, please do so!

Do these courses count toward an MA degree in theology at the Augustine Institute?

No. These courses are completely separate from a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute. For comparison: one single graduate course is about forty hours of instruction in addition to preparation and assignments.  

If you loved the Short Course program and are interested in pursuing a master’s degree, please reach out to our admissions team ( or take a look at our website:

Need help? Email customer service or call 866-767-3155.